ASFALINDO SURYA PRATAMA, will avail itself to be part of the process of Manpower Planning and management concerned with the maintenance of Human relationship and ensuring the physical wellbeing of the Manpower supplied to give maximum contribution to efficient working and high productivity to the Employer. Such is a logical approach to the consideration of the function of Overall company Organization and manpower Planning. Further the necessity of implementing the plan which is the Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Wage and salary etc. It will also include industrial relation and Employment regulation, Welfare, safety and other Services.
To take the first step in the employment of Indonesian Seafarers or Workers will involve the Employment of those who can fill the job well, this means getting good qualified workers But this step is only the first part of the business of running an effective Organization.However, it is a very important part. When we are appointed to recruit Seafarers or Workers for your Company, we will very selective in searching of Seafarers or Workers to be employed.
What we are going to do is to avoid wrong selection detection which can be very expensive. Further we will put a premium careful and systematic recruitment and selection. It will pick the right people for the job that has paid off for both employer and employees.How we are going to perform our selection? Consideration is stressed on the decision making of people you required. We will take the important steps for these purposes.
First it will be the job analysis. This is the foundation stone of successful manpower selection. This will be the process collecting and the Second is analyzing about the job. This information includes the context in which the job is performed and the tasks and responsibility involved. And the Third is the basis for the job description.
Further will be job description. Invaluable steps in the selection process. This is to set ours, what the job details and so gives glue to what short of manpower would be suitable for the job. In the Recruiting process this will be informed that the candidates enabling them, first to see their ability, Skills, Experiences and Ambitions

Deck Officer and Crew

Engine Officer and Crew

Store Department

Restaurant and Bar Department

Gallery Department

Housekeeping and Laundry Department